I'm a Perth Australia based Writer/Artist with a background as a network engineer. After studying for my masters in Journalism I gained an idea of the power of story, but most importantly I gained a love for storytelling. From there it was an odd jump into visual storytelling.
These days I'm particularly interested in telling important issues wrapped in a narrative, be it fiction or non fiction.
Trying to fight the good fight. Expressing visually and through story the problems I see in the world around me. I'm not interested in lobbying for a cause through art. I prefer to take a trend or a problem and take it to its conclusion. Let the audience decide if they like the world they see. Most of my ideas come from dwelling on the depressingly massive problems we face.
Apathy, laziness, selfishness and lack of empathy. It resides in all of us.
I am particularly interested in fostering Australian stories in the shadow of the massive tsunami that is American culture.
Pushing pencils. Trying hard. I mostly work in Acrylics, pencil and my trusty Wacom tablet. I like the different mediums and what they can create. Mostly I love building worlds and the characters that live within them.
The first comic I ever read. It is an amazing story of racism in small town Australia. It is this book and this book alone that got me into comics. Check it out here.
The following are comics that I find either amazing or have had a profound impact on how and what I draw. Detailed below are the attached artists of each particular series that blew my mind.